Posts Tagged ‘Stellar Searches LLC’

Technology and the Indexing Process

Sunday, June 16th, 2013

“Technology and the Indexing Process,” was a seminar held on Friday, April 19, 2013 at the annual conference for the American Society for Indexing at San Antonio, Texas.  The seminar was led by Kate Mertes, the 2013 ASI Wilson Award winner for the most outstanding index of the translation of Montesquieu’s My Thoughts.  In the seminar, Dr. Mertes focused on technology, which affects the way we index.  From perforated strips of index cards to embedded indexing, she discussed how technology has affected the intellectual process of indexing.

While in college, Dr. Mertes completed her first index for a student’s thesis.  She said she was limited by technology.  She first used notepads, writing subject headings on sheets, and then organized the sheets on a wall.  But later she used index cards, as she built up a sideline of completing two to three indexes a year.

Indexing on index cards had a long turnaround time.  One subject heading would be written on one card, then all the cards would be alphabetized.  It took two weeks for something that indexers could now do in four days, she said.  She called this the Stone Age.  She was using an electric typewriter with perforated strips of index cards, when indexing software like Cindex was developed.

“We were able to produce a lot more entries a lot faster.  You could go back and look through the index and change things in groups, she said.  “It radically changed the way we indexed.  It speeded up the intellectual way you could move through the book.”

With indexing software, as an indexer she could produce much faster and produce much more.  There was a greater initial accuracy in matching of duplicate main headings and subheadings.

Then with embedding indexing, “technology took a step backwards,” she said.

“I really felt like I had gone back to the Stone Age, indexing in Framemaker,” she said.

Embedded indexing uses a unique markup system, locators for markup in the text, in which tagging is turned into an embedded system.  Embedded indexing hyperlinks the page locators in the index with their tags in the text.  It is time-intensive, taking twice as much time as indexing the text, she said.

A better embedded program is needed, she said.  Tech people decided that the word is the entry.  While this works well with a name, it doesn’t work as well with conceptual indexing, she said.

She described CUP methods of indexing, the embedded indexing used for the Cambridge University Press, for which she has compiled indexes.

Future blog postings will focus on other seminars at the annual conference of the American Society for Indexing. For more information about the services provided by the author of this blog, see the Stellar Searches LLC website,


Digital Trends Task Force Update

Saturday, June 1st, 2013

During the annual conference for the American Society for Indexing (ASI), held in San Antonio, Texas, on Friday, April 19, 2013, a Digital Trends Task Force (DTTF) Update was given as part of the Plenary Session.  The co-chairs are David Ream and Jan Wright.

The mission of the ASI DTTF is to gather information about changes in digital publishing practices as they affect indexes.  Also, members of the DTTF strive to interface with leading digital publishing companies, e-Reader hardware and software suppliers, standards developers, and industry partners to find solutions to ensure inclusion of usable indexes in nonfiction digital book formats and e-books.  Another mission of the DTTF is to inform ASI members regarding digital trands in a timely manner so that indexers can prepare for and participate in technology-driven and process changes.

Members of the DTTF have been working to develop EPUB 3 Indexing Standards, as covered in the last blog posting.  Noting that functionality for indexes for e-Books was broken, members of the DTTF worked with leading software developers such as Adobe in digital publishing.  The next version of Adobe InDesign, Creative Cloud, currently available by subscription, will offer embedded linked indexes for e-Books.

The DTTF used four keywords to describe the approach to the development of e-Book indexes: monetization, discovery, navigation, and metadata or aboutness.

Future blog postings will cover other sessions at the ASI conference.  For more information about the services provided by the author of this blog, see the Stellar Searches LLC website,

Indexing in the Age of e-Books

Monday, May 6th, 2013

A Plenary Session, held on Thursday, April 18th at the Hotel Contessa during the annual conference for the American Society for Indexing focused on “Indexing in the Age of e-Books.”  Joshua Tallent, chief e-Book Architect for Firebrand Technologies, gave the presentation.

“Indexes are at a crossroads,” he said. “The worst thing you can do is keep on doing the same thing.  The time is ripe for change, and you are uniquely suited for the challenges ahead.”

As an e-Book Architect, Tallent has developed indexes for e-Books.

He explained how embedded indexes work, describing their HTML structure.  This moves in only one direction, however.  Eventually, we will get to the point where linking does not just move in one direction.

He described EPUB 3 Indexing Specifications, which are gaining prominence.  These are the indexing standards which give the specifications that govern the indexes for e-Books.

He said that that there is no good e-Book development software currently available.  “InDesign ePub export is broken. Word HTML export is broken,” he said.

The index needs to be linked deeper than the page level, to the paragraph.  With InDesign, it is possible to create ID’s for every page by numbering every paragraph in the book.  It is hard to link the index to the exact spot and requires lots of manual labor.  This cannot be completely automated, he said.

He concluded by saying that print books are not dead.  Publishers are selling more print books than e-Books.  There is a lack of support for the functionality of indexes in e-Books.

Other workshops held during the American Society for Indexing Conference will be highlighted in future blog postings.  For more information about the services provided by the author of this blog, see the Stellar Searches LLC website,


American Society for Indexing Conference

Tuesday, April 23rd, 2013

I recently attended the annual conference for the American Society for Indexing (ASI) in San Antonio, Texas.  Held at the Hotel Contessa on the San Antonio’s famed Riverwalk, the keynote address was given on Thursday, April 18th by Judith Pascoe, Professor at the University of Iowa and author of “My Last Index.”  Prof. Pascoe gave an entertaining and humorous speech that detailed “The Secret Lives of Indexers.”  She explored index cards, indexing villainy, indexing artistry, and indexing in Barbara Pym novels.

Prof. Pascoe started out by giving historical background on indexing, in which indexers would index on index cards.  Indexers would write one subject heading on each index card and then sort them alphabetically.

“The index card is a symbol of the neat orderly work that indexers carry out in a world that is neat and opaque,” she said.

Describing the conventional stereotype of an indexer, she pointed out the main character in Barbara Pym’s novel, No Fond Return of Love.  She quoted passages from the novel in giving a picture of the secret life of this indexer.

She eluded to the theme of the ASI annual conference, “The Art and Craft of Indexing,” in portraying indexing as an art and a craft.  More than a technical endeavor, indexing is crafting an artistic work, she emphasized.

“Indexing is a door opening into a new world like Dorothy stepping forth into Oz,” she concluded.

Future blog postings will cover other workshop sessions at the ASI annual conference.  For more information about the services provided by the author of this blog, see the Stellar Searches LLC website,

Solutions for the Index Locator Problem with e-Book Indexes

Wednesday, August 29th, 2012

A paragraph-numbering system for locators, such as the one the Chicago Manual of Style uses, might possibly work for linking all e-book version of indexes the same way.  But this might happen only if all e-reader devices would use a paragraph-based system, a standardized method of numbering screen pages/locations, and consistent placement of the index anchor links on their screen “pages.”

If we want both quick and precise post-coordinate indexing for finding information in e-books, we have to find a way to combine machine-based indexing with the kind of pre-coordinate indexing that indexers do for print books even if whole indexes in e-books are not visible to the reader.  We need a semi-pre-coordinated, post-coordinate system that can sift through a large amount of data while at the same time be able to find a relevant, precise, piece of data.

This kind of indexing is “latticed” indexing.  We need to develop a “latticed” indexing system for sifting through large quantities of data and at the same time connecting a lot of related bits of data together in an organized way.  The use of the flat, one-dimensional alphabetical index, separate from the text in the print book, is both tedious to implement and antiquated in dynamic digital space.  We need a multi-dimensional system of information storage and retrieval that’s appropriate for cyberspace.  A place to begin to envision what a “latticed” index on the Web might look like would be a “faceted” classification system, and would offer e-book readers a way to search more effectively.

For more information about the services provided by the author of this blog, see the Stellar Searches LLC website,

Still More Problems with e-Book Indexes

Friday, July 6th, 2012

The E-Book Screen Locator Problem

Linked indexes are vital in an e-book because a reader has to “flip” through hundreds of screens of the e-book one at a time to get to a particular page.  The way each type of e-reader divides up an e-book also impacts the text reflow issue for indexes.  Kindle books and iBooks don’t have the same number of “pages,” and, in fact, don’t even use the same word.  While Apple calls its pages “pages,” Kindle calls its pages “locations.”  Amazon numbers the paragraphs in a book and calculates a percentage of the total e-book text to define what the number is for each particular “location” in a Kindle e-book.  Apple uses a different way to create virtual pages and to mark the beginning and end boundaries for an e-book file and to apportion the number of “pages” in its iBooks.

Despite the varying number of either “pages” or “locations” in an e-book, indexers need to be able to drop an anchor into either kind of e-book in order to link a page number in the index to the relevant discussion within the digital text.  In either kind of e-book the hyperlinked print-book page number should be able to take the reader to the right “page” or “location” in the e-book text to begin exploring the topic.

I will offer some suggestions concerning what to do about the index locator problem in the next blog posting.  For more information about the services provided by the author of this blog, see the Stellar Searches LLC website,


More Problems with e-Book Indexes

Wednesday, June 6th, 2012

The E-Reader Device Problem

To distinguish itself from others and to establish its own unique competitive advantage, each e-reader manufacturer uses different methods for displaying an e-book.  These differences include the various size of the physical “frame” for the screen display in the book, as well as the types of navigation methods used, including icons and features that vary, and even the different ways of adding virtual page numbers for each e-reader.

As a result, this variation affects index locators.  Index locators are linked back to the text with a device called an “anchor,” which is a piece of code that is invisible to the reader.  A “page” anchor on an e-book screen corresponds to the beginning of a page in the print version of a book.

Amazon Kindle places anchors in the upper left hand of the e-book screen, while Apple iPad places them in the middle.  Because the iPad has a larger screen, users can rotate the iPad 90 degrees and a two-page image will appear on the screen.  Readers may find the anchor in the middle of the left-hand “page” or in the middle of the right-hand “page” on the iPad screen, and may have to read two e-book pages before finding the beginning of an indexed discussion.

In addition, text in e-books can reflow over a number of pages depending on how large the font is made by the book’s reader.  Consequently, page number ranges in an e-book index are useful only to a very limited extent.  A page range of three pages could become six or even more e-book “pages” if the font size of the e-reader device is changed.

I will discuss another problem with e-book indexes in a future blog posting.  For more information about the services provided by the author of this blog, see the Stellar Searches LLC website,

Problems with e-Book Indexes

Thursday, May 3rd, 2012

E-Book Text-Reflow Problem

Why do the vast majority of e-books today come without indexes?  Primarily, because of implementation challenges.  A reader’s ability to adjust font size plays havoc with page references.  Where, for example, in an e-book should index entries point to?  At certain font sizes, hyperlinked numbers might lead exactly where you want to go.  Or you might have to page ahead – or back – a click or three to find it.  Which direction?  Varying screen sizes will compound matters.

Indexers are familiar with page reflow. That problem is why we warn our clients to make sure the pages they submit for an index are in FINAL form.  This problem is magnified ten times over in e-books.  The reader of an e-book can adjust their font size.  Some readers of e-books like big font; some prefer smaller font.  Now all have many choices of font-size when they use an e-reader device.

Published e-books have a serious text reflow problem.  This problem makes it almost impossible to include hyperlinks to page references that direct the reader to exactly where you want them to go.

I will discuss other problems with e-book indexes in future blog postings.  For more information about the services provided by the author of this blog, see the Stellar Searches LLC website,


Missing the e-Book Index

Wednesday, April 11th, 2012

A well-designed index can help facilitate smarter e-books, making it easier for readers to find and retrieve information more efficiently.  Unfortunately, at least for the immediate future, indexes won’t likely be appearing in most e-books on the the main e-reading systems, such as Kindle and Nook.  The companies behind these reading platforms haven’t programmed their reading software in a way that would make indexes easy – or at least easier – to implement.  Amazon comes closest, with the page numbers you now see on some Kindle books appearing courtesy of so-called “page list” data that many publishers provide – essentially lists correlating e-book location with pages in a print book.  That data could, in theory, be used to automate the implementation of indexes and to make them more accurate.  The indexer needs to move beyond taking a digital snapshot of a print index and turning each entry into a hyperlink.  Instead, search tools and indexes need to work in partnership, passing queries from one to the other as different readers arrive with different questions.

In following blog postings, I will explore specific problems with e-book indexes.  For more information about the services provided by the author of this blog, see the Stellar Searches LLC website,


Special Topics on Alphabetizing in Indexes

Saturday, October 29th, 2011

When articles, conjunctions, or prepositions appear as the first term in a main heading, the phrase is probably a title of a book, an article, a play, or a painting.  If the first term is an article, such as A or The, the term is not alphabetized.  For example, the book title A Tale of Two Cities would appear in the T‘s, sorted on Tale.  The actual entry could appear in the T‘s in one of three ways:

Tale of Two Cities, A

A Tale of Two Cities

Tale of Two Cities

In the last example above, the A has been dropped completely from the entry.  The practice is common and preferred when it is necessary to economize on the length of index entries.

If the first term in a main heading is a preposition or conjunction, the term is alphabetized.  For example, the book title Of Mice and Men appears in the O‘s, sorted on Of.

If a conjunction, preposition, or article appears in any other position besides as the first term in an entry, it is always alphabetized.  The and in the phrase “dogs and cats” is alphabetized.

For more information, refer to Nancy C. Mulvany’s Indexing Books, Second Edition, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2005.  For more information about the services provided by the author of this blog, see the Stellar Searches LLC website,